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If it was about you.

March 15, 2017

This might surprise some of you, but there was a time I actually refused to lead worship. Years ago, when we first started ministry, before the crowds and the recordings, I was asked to step up and lead worship. I refused. I loved playing piano and singing to support the worship leader, but that was good enough for me. Truthfully, my normal flow was, leave me alone on the piano for hours, worshiping in the presence of the Lord, and writing songs no one may ever hear – that was my comfort zone, and where I always imagined I would remain. However, to truly surrender your life to God’s will, means that comfort can no longer rule over your calling.

The first year that we led the youth conference at our church, God spoke to my husband that it was time for me to lead worship. The first night of the conference our regular worship leader led, and was as usual, AMAZING. Anointed. Powerful. The next night was ‘my night’ to lead but I barely made it through the rehearsal. As the rehearsal started, fear, or insecurity, or pride, or all three, suddenly appeared out of nowhere, like giants staring me down. I lost the staring contest. I always loved the stories of David, how he would sit in the field alone with the sheep and write Psalms. I related to that part of David. Never, however, did I expect my first Goliath to come from inside my own heart. Continue Reading…