
“In Fact, Don’t Even Speak.”

July 19, 2017

I’m a verbal processor.  I need to talk things through out loud, usually more than once, to make sure I really believe it.  Sometimes I discover what I am really feeling or thinking AS I talk.  And AS I talk, I have also figured out that sometimes I am my own worst enemy.

My MOUTH gets me in trouble.  Please tell me I’m not alone in this!   When my mouth is led by my emotions, something happens.  It is absolutely possible to speak things into existence that are opposed to what you truly believe in your heart. Or what’s worse, you can change what you truly believe if you say it enough times.

As I was studying to preach, I started reading Joshua and the battle of Jericho. It has always been one of my favorite stories in the Bible, but this time something hit me that I hadn’t seen before.  As I read through the story in Joshua 6, I noticed that God gave Joshua clear instructions that he was to pass on to the people.  Namely, how they would defeat Jericho and enter their Promised Land.  But in verse 10, as Joshua passed these instructions on to the people, he added something.

Josh 6:10 Joshua had given orders to the people, “Don’t shout. In fact, don’t even speak… until you hear me say, ‘Shout!’— Then shout away!” (The Message)

Why would Joshua add these extra instructions?  Because Joshua had been at the edge of the Promised Land once before… and he learned something.

Forty years earlier, Joshua was one of twelve scouts sent in to spy out the Promised Land.  Twelve scouts went out, but only Joshua and Caleb came back with the faith that God would help them defeat the enemy.

What happened?

Picture Joshua recalling that walk home after scouting the land forty years previously. He and Caleb were excited, ready to take the land God had promised them.  God had brought them to the land flowing with milk and honey.  They had tasted the fruit, seen the land and BELIEVED what God had said to them. God was bigger than any giant in their minds and what their mouths said reflected it.  Then as they walked home, the other ten scouts began to talk about the giants.  What probably started as “those were some big giants” turned into “we are like grasshoppers compared to them.”  By the time they got home, the ten scouts had completely talked themselves out of their Promised Land.  All they could remember were the HUGE giants.  What they focused on and talked about GREW in their minds and ruined their faith in the time it took to walk home.

What their minds focused on, their mouths spoke.  What their mouths spoke, their ears heard.  What their ears heard, their hearts embraced. It’s a vicious cycle. Romans 10:17 say “Faith comes by hearing…” If you speak faith, you will ultimately have faith. Joshua knew that the key to victory this time, was for them to keep their mouths shut.  So, he added those crucial words to God’s instructions, “Don’t shout. In fact, don’t even speak (and srew this up).”  There are times when it is better, if you feel afraid, to just be silent and let God be God.

Next time you are tempted to verbally process yourself away from faith, remember Joshua’s story.  When there are giants and obstacles in your way, ask yourself this question, “Could I be talking myself out of my victory?”  And remember Israel’s forty years in the desert.  No. Thank. You.

I currently have some of these verses, promises and declarations taped to my bathroom mirror. I have taken them from different messages I have listened to, as well as verses that anchor me to my faith. They are personal.  What I am standing on. Daily, I read them and speak them OUT LOUD.  I want my spirit to hear my faith. I want the truth in God’s word to be louder than anything else.  And when doubt comes knocking, I shut the door, and… shut my mouth.

I will leave you with this verse:

Psalms 34:12,13a “If you love life, and want to live a good, long life, take care what you say.”

The Word also reminds us that words can bring life or death.  We can’t choose our circumstances, but we can take care what we say. We can choose our words.  I am choosing life.  Daily.  You can too!

Remember God is for you, His plans are good and He will always finish what He starts in you.

Have a truly blessed day!

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  • Janine July 20, 2017 at 1:30 am

    Excellent, Donna! Thank you.