
When You Don’t Know What to Do – Part 2

January 27, 2017

In Part 1, we began the story of King Jehoshaphat. He was surrounded by an army ready to take him out. Instead of immediately preparing to wage war, he first sought the Lord and acknowledged that he didn’t know what to do. The Lord then gave him this strategy:

“You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. He is with you… Do not be afraid or discouraged. Tomorrow go out to face them, for Yahweh is with you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17

Now, let’s pick up this story in verse 18 and discover what Jehoshaphat did next. He bowed down and worshipped the Lord. The Levites immediately followed and stood up to praise the Lord and shout with a loud voice. Next – a surprising strategy – the King next appointed people to sing for the Lord and to praise Him. As they marched out in front of the armed forces, they kept on singing, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His faithful love endures forever.”

Now remember, they were still surrounded! There was still a vast army ready to take them out. Nothing in the natural had changed. Their praise and worship was not the result of a mighty victory or change in their situation, but rather a response to the revelation of WHO was fighting for them. The pressure was off. God was fighting for them.

So often, we grumpily get through our battles, waiting for the victory so we can worship. Maybe it’s the opposite! The victory is waiting for our worship. There is nothing that conveys a heart position of trust as much as worship. The essence of trust is worship. We are saying to the Lord, YOU are in control, YOU are God Almighty, YOU are the way maker, YOU are able!

2 Chronicles 20:22 is proof of this. “The moment they began their shouts and praises, the Lord set an ambush against … those who came to fight against Judah, and they were defeated.” Let that sink in.

The Lord sent confusion into the enemy camp, and they actually began to destroy each other. When Jehoshaphat’s men went out to face the armies, they were all dead! The King then sent the people to gather the plunder! There were so many spoils that they couldn’t carry any more and it took them 3 days to collect all of the plunder! Returning to the city, they worshipped the Lord and celebrated the incredible turnaround and victory.

Here’s a couple major things we can take away from this story:

Worship came before the victory. Our season can’t determine our worship. There are times when it’s tough. When it looks like we might fail. Or lose a battle. We might be discouraged with what we see with our eyes. There are times when my heart aches, and I can’t see past my immediate challenge. I fight the temptation to throw a full-on pity party and believe me, I can convince myself that I deserve it. Yet in my pity party, the focus lands on ME. Rather than on the ONE who can get me through. What I am feeling can’t determine my worship. Some of my most precious times worshipping at my piano, have been at my lowest moments in the natural. That’s when the most beautiful trust filled worship is expressed and the truth of my heart is exposed.

Praise triggered the victory. Praise shows a confidence in God. We can’t get around this. God was waiting for them to put their confidence in Him. He was waiting for the sound of praise to erupt in the people! “The moment they began their shouts and praises, the Lord sent an ambush.” My question is this, can you praise Him now? Before you know the end of your story. Before you get your answers. Before your testimony unfolds. Your praise might be the very thing God is waiting for. Your praise might be the ammunition God needs to fight your enemy.

Praise & worship released a divine reversal. Not just the victory. Did you catch that? A divine reversal in their situation. God doesn’t just get you through… he has bounty for you! You are going to take something from this battle. Not scars and stories… but some real LOOT. To the point where you will actually thank God for the battle, because without the battle, you wouldn’t be basking in such blessing. Such peace. Such provision. I think this loot can be measured in so many different ways.

The journey I have been on personally this last few years has taught me so much. It has grown me in so many ways that I am able to say, “THANK YOU, Lord”! Through each storm, through the pain, through the battles, the doubting, stretching, lonely seasons, the Lord has taught me this truth. True worship is based on trust. Trust is carved out in the hard seasons and the valleys. Trust in God is revealed when the natural holds no warmth, and the brutal cold of your situation are at the forefront. That’s where trust is formed. That’s where trust holds you tight and keeps your foot from slipping. That’s where your knowledge of God will anchor your faith. He IS good. He IS faithful. He will work all things out for good. He will carry you and strengthen you. He will provide all that you need. This I have learned – He is more than enough. And worshipping before the victory makes the victory so much more rewarding. I will leave you with these powerful verses…

Psalms 28:7-8 “You are my Strength and my Shield from every danger. When I fully trust in you, help is on the way. I jump for joy and burst forth the with ecstatic, passionate praise! I will sing songs of what you meant to me! You will be the Inner Strength of all your people, the Mighty Protector of all… “

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  • Bobby Metcalf February 10, 2017 at 1:29 am

    Exactly what I needed to hear as I find myself in a place of waiting. In a time of anxiousness and doubt I am reminded of the simple (but so easily forgotten) fact that God is in control. Thanks for sharing this!

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 3:57 am

      So glad it blessed you. God surely IS in control! God bless!