
When You Don’t Know What to Do – Part 1

January 26, 2017

King Jehoshaphat was surrounded.  Pressed in on every side by an enemy ready to take him out.  He couldn’t see a way out. Ever been there?  His response, however, was not what you might expect.  In 2 Chronicles 20:3 we read, “Jehoshaphat was afraid, and he resolved to seek the Lord.”  There was a vast army outside ready to destroy everything he held dear, and yet a very real war was raging inside.  Fear.  The King acknowledges that he is afraid.  He is facing the fear that God won’t help.  Fear that he, as King, would fail his people, his family and his God.  Yet, rather than calling his generals together to make a battle plan, he FIRST gathers his leaders and people together to seek the Lord.

I’m a doer.  I’m not someone who is intimidated by rolling up my sleeves and getting to work.  Fixing, building, DOING something.  (If we weren’t wired this way, we wouldn’t have planted a church!) However, I’ve been so challenged by this story.  Jehoshaphat says to the Lord in Verse 12, “We do not know what to do, but we look to You.”  And there it is.  He yields his will to God, acknowledging his not knowing to the All-Knowing one.

His humble prayer moves the heart of God. The Lord responds, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the vast number, for the battle is not yours but God’s.”  That’s an incredible statement.  And such a relief. It’s in the giving up of control that we unlock the key to victory.  Think about that!  The victory is not found in our ability to fight, but in our willingness to surrender control.
The victory is not found in our ability to fight, but in our willingness to surrender control.   

In 2 Chronicles 20:17, the Lord goes on to give Jehoshaphat a battle strategy for victory. When life’s pressures, struggles and disappointments mount up, this strategy should shape our response.  When troubles surround us and circumstances press in to steal our peace and joy, we can know what to DO first.  When the enemy attempts to steal everything that we hold dear, we can picture our Lord speaking courage and perspective into our battle today.

Remember this:

You do not have to fight this battle.  We should put our weapon down and walk away.  It’s not our fight!  Let God be the doer, the fixer, the strategist, the redeemer.  Why do we engage in battles that are not ours to fight?  When there is a battle raging, seek the Lord.  When there are circumstances that are beyond our control, seek the Lord.  When we are hurt, disappointed and at our whit’s end, seek the Lord.  It’s not our job to fix our spouse, our boss or even ourselves.  We can choose to seek the Lord and allow HIM to do the work in us and our situation.

Position yourself.  The position of our heart matters.  A humble heart draws God in like a magnet. He can’t resist it.  But He resists a proud heart.  He is looking for a contrite heart, a heart that is dependent on Him.  A brokenness that is steeped in trust.  This kind of heart position will lead to freedom like none other.  A freedom that yields what we are all desperate for – true JOY.  God-dependence and trust is the answer.  Not worry, anxiety and self-reliance.  Remember, “When we are weak, then HE is strong”.

Stand still.  Like quick sand, the harder we fight, the deeper we slip in to the sinking sand.  When we wrestle, and strive to get out on our own, we only dig ourselves deeper into the hole we are in!  This is not easy for some of us doers.  In our struggles, we must heed these words, heavy with life changing truth, “Be still and know that I am God.”  Whatever you are facing today, learn to start by being still.  At some point, God will give you specific directions and pull you out.  But the harder you fight this season you are in, the deeper you will fall and the longer you will be there.  Let that motivate you to surrender! Stop striving to move past this lonely season.  Stop trying to get away from the pain.  Lean into it. Take a deep breath and be still in your season.  Wait for Him to hand you the rope.  HE wants to pull you out.

See the salvation of the Lord.  Can you see the saving before you can actually see the saving?  God is giving us a hint here.  We must look at everything through eyes of faith.  SEE the salvation of the Lord way before it happens in the natural.  Believe His promises to you, while you wait to see them fulfilled.  See the restoration, breakthrough and provision before it ever gets there.  This is key.  Through this journey of life, I’m starting to think getting us to this place of faith is the whole reason for this season in the first place. God is much more concerned about where your heart is, than about what you will accomplish in your life.

God’s plan involves a lot of waiting. A lot of letting go of control. A lot of not doing and a lot of trusting.  When we don’t know what to do, this is the place to start. Before we head out to defend ourselves, before we head into battle.  In God’s time, we will have to face our enemies head on, but first things first.  Let God be God.  Look to Him first.  And no matter what you are facing today, let’s start here:

 “You do not have to fight this battle.  Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.  He is with you… Do not be afraid or discouraged.  Tomorrow go out to face them, for Yahweh is with you.”  2 Chronicles 20:17

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  • Tara Springs February 8, 2017 at 10:15 pm

    Thank you Pastor Donna for sharing your heart. Totally blessed by 1&2 of this series. God speaks and reminds me of such truth through you! Thank you to you and Pastor Doug for being some of the most transparent, real pastors we know. It’s refreshing!

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 4:07 am

      Tara. We LOVE you guys. Thanks for your encouragement! Love you! xo