
The Simple Life

January 26, 2017

The Simple Life. I have heard this idea come up again and again over the years. Each time it might have a different twist to it, but with the same basic premise.  Get rid of complicated, and go simple.   I don’t know about you, but it tends to make me anxious about my own life.   I know that is not the intent of the writers!  But my life sometimes IS complicated. And at times, not so simple! And busy.  I begin to ask myself, “am I out of God’s will, am I trying to do too much, am I too busy, am I scarring my kids with this crazy life of ministry, is my life simple enough?”  All of those are great questions to ask ourselves because I do realize we all tend to over extend ourselves at times and need to simplify. However, how we define “simple” makes all the difference in the world!

What makes up a “simple life”?  I know many people who live crazy lives that are living the exact life that God has chosen for them… and they are obviously graced to live it.  They are thriving in their crazy.  I hear people define the simple life in terms of how many dresses are in our closets, how many items we have in our house, how many things we have on our agenda, or how simply organic we eat, etc. I read these articles and instantly feel the need to purge my closet, my pantry, my schedule, even my friends. In the race to simplify, however, sometimes we make things just as complicated and chaotic.  And now guilt ridden.  I’m really good at guilt.  I pick it up as easily as I accidently steal pens. We see pictures of women sitting with their perfectly groomed quiet child reading a book, or making a deliciously organic dinner for their family and wonder, how we can ever get there?  And there it is again, guilt. (Hear my heart… a closet purge is good for the soul, and we have to know the God yes/no’s in our schedule, etc.  I’m not knocking those things, just trying to make a point!)

As I pursue a life that God intends me to live, it must lead me back to Jesus. We must start with His Word. Not the latest magazine or article on Facebook. As helpful as some of those are, they are not always true.  They are sometimes helpful, yes, but not always God. How does God want me to live? Jesus himself was not simple if I put it in the “simple life” terms.  He traveled all over the place, stepped into rather ‘un-simple’ situations (the woman at the well), ministered to a lot of people at all times of the day and night (sometimes days on end and through the night), upset people’s norms (overturning all the money tables in the temple), he even was randomly spontaneous (making food plans on the spot – with 5 loaves and 2 fishes).  His life might not look simple on the outside.  Yet it was so simple, in that everything He did was out of obedience to the Father.  Maybe simple isn’t about schedule or things, but in simply obeying what God is asking of us.  No more, no less. The impact that Jesus’ life had, was truly world changing.  This is the life I want to live.  Not perfectly quiet and uncomplicated, but simple on HIS terms.  A life lived for Him. A life lived in obedience to Him.

With each passing year, I get more passionate about His Word. About listening to Him and His voice that speaks to me through the Word. It has sustained me, directed me, carried me through some tough times, it has brought me hope in ways that nothing else can.  It is leading me to the simple life. Uncomplicated on His terms.  Simple trust.  Simple truth.  Sometimes still crazy.  And busy.  And even hard at times. But a simple that comes from what is inside me.  I’m learning to do the simple life from His Word.  Not from trends that will come and go. Or based on what things look like on the outside.  But a simple obedience to Him.

Last year I started a new thing.  I had a little spiral notecard book that I filled up with personal, strategic NOW verses that guided me through the year and shaped my prayers.  This week I began a new notebook for 2017.  This well-known verse began my year with such a key reminder.

Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, watch over your heart; diligently guard it because from a sincere and pure heart come the good and noble things of life.” (The Voice Translation)

What a beautiful way to begin this new year.  Our hearts are worth guarding.  I’m up for the challenge.  I would love for you to go on this journey with me as I share devotional thoughts from the Word.  Nothing fancy.  Nothing I am not learning or experiencing myself.  Just simple things that come from His Word.

Much love.


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  • Karla Johnson February 8, 2017 at 9:13 pm

    Wanting to subscribe. I love hearing what’s on your heart.

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 4:09 am

      Thanks for the encouragement, Karla. And thanks for the tip… we added the subscribe option now. 🙂 Love you!xo

  • Bekah February 8, 2017 at 9:23 pm

    Love this, thank you for sharing, looking forward to reading more! ❤

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 4:08 am

      Thank you for reading! God bless. xo

  • Nicole Elliott February 8, 2017 at 10:24 pm

    This is so perfectly spoken at a time when I am feeling the need to simplify but all the while wondering where its going to get me. The focus is simple and yet sometimes so lost in the day to day efforts to gain balance and simplicity. Thanks for reminding me where to keep my sights as I forge through my journey of creating a simpler life thats meant just for me.

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 4:06 am

      We all nee this reminder at times! And yes, God has a simple thats just for you! God bless. xo

  • Juliana Moore February 9, 2017 at 1:58 am

    Absolutely beautiful! Simply following Jesus! This is the life I yearn for. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. Love you! ❤

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 4:03 am

      Thank you friend! Love so much! xoxo

  • Glenda Malmin February 9, 2017 at 6:47 pm

    This is so honest, vulnerable, freeing and directional. I am inspired afresh to live “simple on His terms, uncomplicated on His terms” with “simple trust” & “simple truth. ” Thank you, Pastor Donna, for this fresh inspiration!

  • Glenda Malmin February 9, 2017 at 6:52 pm

    This is so honest, vulnerable, freeing, and directional. I am inspired afresh to live “simple on His terms, uncomplicated on His terms” with “simple trust” and “simple truth.” Thank you, Pastor Donna for this fresh inspiration.

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 4:02 am

      Thank you, Glenda! So very thankful for all of your input into my life & my perspective. Love you so very much! xoxo

  • Mary Anne's Alaska February 9, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    Beautiful stated. Thank you for pointing out that the BEST “simple” is following Jesus in complete obedience and surrender.

    • Mary Anne's Alaska February 9, 2017 at 7:18 pm


    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 4:00 am

      Thank you, Mary Anne. We all sure need that reminder at times don’t we? God bless!

  • Judy Davis February 9, 2017 at 8:04 pm

    Good word Donna! ??

    • donnalasit February 17, 2017 at 3:59 am

      Thank you Judy! God bless. xo

  • Marla March 5, 2017 at 5:20 am

    Beautiful thoughts, Donna. Thanks for sharing them! I have scriptures the Lord has shown me specifically on particular days I’ve written on index cards and carry around with me. I need to review them more often! You writing about it encourages me! marla